A few days ago, Bishop Doug Small met with us via Zoom to discuss the prayer movement in America and around the world. During his time with us, we were challenged and reminded again of the priority of prayer. As he was speaking, I was reminded of this quote from humorist Steve Wright, “I'm having amnesia and Deja vu at the same time... I think I’ve forgotten this before.”
Scripture tells us that “Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just and holy man” (Mark 6:20). Church history records the Reformation cry of John Knox, “give me Scotland or I die.” Further, Queen Mary of Scotland is quoted saying, “I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies of Europe.”
What IF we changed the name John Knox to your name or mine? What IF we changed the geography from Scotland to America? What IF the President
feared our prayers like Queen Mary feared the prayers of John Knox? What IF we obeyed the words of 2 Chronicles 7:14, “IF my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land?”
What made a man like John Knox so powerful? An even better question, what makes our prayers powerful and effective? A clue is found in Mark 6:20 ... holiness! Herod feared John because “he was a just and holy man.” As I study holiness, I quickly observe that holiness has everything to do with proximity to the throne of God. The seraphim are called “holy ones,” not because of who they are, but because of where they are. Holiness can only come from the Holy One. Holiness is a life lived before the throne of God. Holiness is to prayer what uranium is to a nuclear weapon. When holy people pray, explosive things happen. It’s no wonder then why James 5:16 says, “the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
One of the most powerful examples of the word deisis is found in James 5:16. Here, the word deisis is translated as “fervent prayer.” Deisis is a passionate, earnest, heartfelt, sincere prayer. It comes to God on the most serious terms, strongly beseeching Him to move and to meet a specific need that the intercessor is facing in his or her life.
Paul reminds us, “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God”, Philippians 4:6. Herein lies five keys to moving from fear to faith, turmoil to peace, and defeat to victory. Those keys are prayer, supplication, thanksgiving, request, and known.
Prayer, “proseuche” – Come face to face with God in prayer
Supplication, “deisis” – Pleading for a need to be met, to
passionately cry out
Thanksgiving, “eucharistia” – An outpouring of grace and
wonderful feelings that flow from the heart in response to
someone or something
Request, “aitima” – Be adamant in requesting assistance to
meet tangible needs such as food, shelter, money, etc. when
speaking to a superior with respect and honor
Known, “gnoridzo” – to make a thing known; to declare
something; to broadcast something, or to make something very evident
An effectual prayer contains all these elements, not just #4. John was “just and holy.” Let that be said of us IF we pray. My prayer for us is that we cleanse our hearts and our hands and pray a prayer that will shake both heaven and earth. In the meanwhile, our prayers, like John Knox, will cause hell itself to tremble.
Anytime you see the word IF, it means that there are possibilities. The word IF is conditional and should IF be activated, it will require action on our part. IF you read this column, and IF you believe the words written in it, and IF you put effective prayer into action, God will answer and He will heal our land, our hearts, and our homes.