Malachi 2:7 - “The lips of a priest should guard knowledge, and people should seek instruction from his mouth, for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts”.
Labels play a very influential role in our lives. A good label can elevate your status. Teresa was given a purse for Christmas a few years ago. A family member purchased it in an “unclaimed baggage” store for $50.00. Teresa noticed a label in it that said it was a NANCY GONZALEZ purse. She found it on the internet. It is a Crocodile Leather and Banana Leaf Straw Tote Bag that sells for $2,950.00. It is so expensive, Teresa is afraid to carry it.
A label can also place a target on your back. If today’s “cancel culture” ever finds fault with you, they will attempt to shut you down. Just in case you are struggling to see the overt war on Christianity, allow the authors of Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice to remove all doubt: “The significance of Christianity in U.S. life and the challenges it poses for minority religions is a social justice issue that requires the kind of historical knowledge and structural/cultural analysis we use to understand other forms of oppression that stand in the way of social justice.” Notice the label. These authors see Christianity as a “form of oppression”.
G. K. Chesterton observed, “Once we abolish God, the government becomes God.” Consider the doctrine of justification. Justification refers to the divine act by which God declares sinners like us “not guilty” on the basis of Christ’s redemptive death and resurrection. But what happens if we leave God out of the picture? Does our need for the not guilty sentence magically disappear? No. The need to feel justified is irrepressibly human. The need to be justified is why ... Muslims bow their knees toward Mecca, Hindus plunge into the Ganges, and atheists argue about the evils of religion. When we leave God out of the process of living free from guilt, we turn to the next biggest entity we can imagine ... society. Government, media, law, education, entertainment, the local business owner, everyone must declare us, in unison, “not guilty!” And anyone that does not acknowledge and celebrate our guiltlessness MUST be silenced!
Thus, the “cancel culture” steps on stage. Cancel culture is society’s way of bypassing God and attempting to declare sinful man “not guilty”. So the Little Sisters of the Poor, the wedding cake baker, some churches and denominations (God help us), and even higher education are being manipulated by Satan to remove man’s guilty stain. And coming soon to a pulpit near you will be the new target that must be silenced; because what we preach, what I am preaching, may soon be labeled “hate speech”.
Make no mistake: Today’s social justice seeks a theocracy, a theocracy of creation worship that seeks to silence its heretics. Like our brothers and sisters living under a false theocracy in first-century Rome, we need the guts to say in our century that Jesus is Lord, not Caesar!
Read again the scripture text above. Instruction comes from our mouths. We are indeed God’s messengers to the world. It is for this reason that you and I cannot ... and must not ... be silenced. I know where to find truth and it’s not in the Chambers of Congress, the lecture halls of higher education, the news cycles of liberal media, or the entertainment mecca of Hollywood. In spite of man’s attempts ...
What God says cannot be silenced.
What God makes cannot be undone.
What God does cannot be overturned.
What God declares cannot be voided.
What God opens cannot be shut.
And what God shuts cannot be reopened.
Regardless of what propaganda tries to say about Christianity ...
If you are born man you can’t die a woman
If you are my Uncle, you can’t become my Aunt
Abortion is not Healthcare
Government is not God
Christ is not cancelled
Church is not rebellion
Religious liberty is not optional
Science is not scripture
Biblical Truth is not bigotry, and
Preaching holiness is not hate speech
A major strategy to divide and conquer the church has been unleashed upon society and the world. When we reduce people to labels, we become oblivious to the fact that there is a God and He is the One who actually labeled us. To God, every human being was conceived and born to bear His divine image. We are one race. There is not a Christianity for whites and another for blacks, Asians or Hispanics. Scripture is clear; only Christ Jesus can change man’s heart and mind so that in Him we can celebrate our diversity. God did not try to reconcile us through the Cross. Calvary is not just Gods best shot at unification that will periodically need booster shots from Critical Race Theory, Marxism, Socialism or the like. No! Just as Jesus is the way to God, the Cross is the way to unity. The Gospel is God’s solution to our divisions, our prejudices and our sin.
Preach the TRUTH in love my friends! Labels must never silence the lambs! “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” (Romans 10:14)
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