We honor and celebrate your labor of love for Kingdom exposure & expansion. Thank you for a lifetime of commitment and service.
Delmarva-DC Church of God - Intercultural Advancement Ministry
It was during a charismatic revival that Reverend José A. Torres was born in the Lord, in September of 1974 in the city of Adjuntas, Puerto Rico. Since that powerful encounter with God, Bishop Torres continues to develop a very personal and spiritual closeness with his Master and Savior that is still very much alive in his heart today.
Bishop Torres was appointed in 1999 and presently serves for the last 23 years, as the Hispanic Ministry Pastor at the Heritage Community Church. The Church of God in the Delmarva-DC Region, named and later appointed (2002 to 2022) him to the position of Hispanic Ministries Coordinator.
As Coordinator, for the Delmarva-DC Region, he has been instrumental in directing and supervising the planting of eight Hispanic Ministries and nine local churches.
Bishop Torres was influential in the appointing of two Hispanic Ministry District Supervisors (East & West) that work together to expand this vibrant and ever-growing Ethnic Group.
He has also served as Associate Pastor of the Fort Meade Hispanic Church of God (1988-1993 and 1996-1998) and Pastor of the Hispanic Ministry at Newtown COG in Honolulu (1993-1996).
Bishop Torres is a graduate of the Community College of the Air Force (1989), University of Maryland Bachelor of Arts (1991), and Liberty University Master of Arts Pastoral Counseling (2011).
He is happily married to Nolly for the last 40 years and has three daughters Nahir, Melissa, and Naomi. Three beautiful grandchildren Zion, Eden, and Salomon.
In 1953, Reverend Enus Gordon along with a small group of immigrants from the Island of Jamaica began meeting for prayer in each other’s homes. In 1955, the New Testament Church of God was officially organized. Reverend Gordon felt the call of God and entered the ministry in 1956. He received his ordination in the Church of God in 1963. For eighteen years, Reverend Gordon and his wife served the ministry in England and Wales. While in England, he became the first national Christian Education Director. He was a member of the National Youth Board and the National State Council. He was District Overseer for the Leicester District. He pastored the Lemington Spa and Leicester Churches. While pastoring in Leicester, he led the congregation in purchasing their current sanctuary.
In 1971, Pastor Gordon left the Leicester Church for Cleveland, TN where he studied at Lee College. Revered Gordon graduated from Lee College, and then attended the School of Theology. While in school, Pastor Gordon also pastored a local church, the Inman Street Church of God. After graduation Pastor Gordon felt the call of God to start a church in the Washington DC area.
On November 27, 1977, the Northwest New Testament Church of God was organized in his home in Northwest DC with nine members. Under his leadership, four other churches were organized in the area. Since it’s organization, the church, now known as Metropolitan Church of God, has been blessed with its current building. While in Maryland, Pastor Gordon faithfully served as member of the Delmarva-DC State Examination Board, the Evangelism Board, State Council, as well as State Finance Committee.
Reverend Gordon was born in the beautiful parish of Manchester, Jamaica. He was the first of 12 children. Reverend Gordon received his early education at St Johns School Bombay. At the age of 18 Brother Gordon accepted the Lord Jesus as his personal Savior. In 1952 he immigrated to Birmingham, England. There he met and married the love of his life, Jane Hayles. Out of their union, God blessed them with three children, Pauline, Winston, and Yvonne.
Pastor Brenda Anderson is founder of Victory Praise Church of God in Washington, DC. She has been shepherding Victory Praise since 1999 and believes "Whosoever Will, Let Him Come (Revelation 22:17).”
Pastor Anderson is founder and Chief Executive Officer of Compel Them Outreach, Inc. since 1981. It is an urban ministry in the nation’s Capital. The ministry brings the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who feel that they have been forgotten (which consist of drug addicts, alcoholics, homeless, socially, physically, and economically disadvantaged men, women, and children). She has a passion for winning souls into the Kingdom of God. She is an anointed woman of God operating in the 5-fold ministry gifts. She loves God with all her heart, mind, soul, and strength. She loves Him more today than yesterday.
Pastor Anderson served 2 terms (2004 – 2008) on the Delmarva-DC Church Evangelism Board. She has preached numerous revivals and has conducted conferences across the country (these include District of Columbia, Virginia, Alaska, Georgia, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, North Carolina, Florida, and Maryland.)
Pastor Anderson accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and personal Savior in 1978. She is an ordained minister in the Church of God. She has been credentialed since 1996. Pastor Anderson received her Associate Degree (2004) and Bachelor’s Degree (2005) in Pastoral Counseling from National Bible College and Seminary. In 2007, she received her Master of Arts Degree in Religious Studies from Howard University School of Divinity. She has received credits towards her studies in Strategic Leadership from Regent University. On January 21, 2013, Pastor Brenda Anderson received a Doctor of Divinity from CICA International University & Seminary. In 2021, Pastor Brenda Anderson received a Master of Arts in Counseling Degree from Pentecostal Theological Seminary. She is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Pentecostal Theological Seminary.
Pastor Anderson has 6 children, Nathan (deceased), Yolanda, Jerome, Tawanna, Gwendolyn, and Billy (deceased). She has 5 grandchildren, Anthony, Gregory, Alex, Caleb, and Akayla. She has 4 great-grandchildren, Jeremiah, Canaan, Danity, and Amal.
After WWI the United States had an economic downturn which eventually led to the Great Depression. Cities, towns and even small rural communities suffered, and Dorchester County was no exception. Many people employed by the railroads, including Negroes, were laid off as it became necessary to reduce the number of freight and passenger cars that required service and maintenance.
As people in rural areas struggled to survive, they began to contact friends and family members who were located in cities where jobs were more plentiful in factories and shipyards. As the men found jobs, their family or friends there would open their homes to them until they could get on their feet again.
Several families from this area moved north to Norristown, PA. While there they became members of the local Holiness Church, with headquarters in Cleveland, TN which was segregated at the time. They began to witness to the men from East New Market, all of whom accepted Christ.
Later these men, believing that Christ would strengthen them, began to move back to East New Market, confident that God would supply all their needs according to His riches in glory; and they began to teach their holiness faith throughout the area. Members from the Norristown Church came down to help them and to bring Christian education material. At the time two holiness churches were located in Dorchester County, one in Elwood and the other in Cambridge, and both were segregated.
The holiness church meetings were held in the “Hall,” later known as William Conaway’s Beer Garden; and as the meetings grew larger, the meetings were moved to a small house not far from the current sanctuary. The people enjoyed the singing and musical instruments, and they were shouting and speaking in tongues. The people from Norristown would come to East New Market, witness to people in the area and invite them to the meetings.
One of the original “seekers” was Brother Allan Stanley from Hawkeye. His wife, Sister Lillie Stanley and others came the very next week. From that time on the backbone of the Church consisted of Brother Stanley, others from Hawkeye and the surrounding communities. After that time the Church was closed for several years until Evangelist Denson-Wright was instrumental in reopening it for worship.
From these humble beginnings, the holiness Church in East New Market, now named The Lighthouse Church of God, still stands. Many members have gone to be with the Lord, and others have been led by the Lord to start new churches in Maryland, Pennsylvania and Delaware. The nearby Refuge Temple Church of God in Cambridge, MD is a testimony to Brother Allen and Sister Lillie Stanley, as their daughter-in-law was the late Pastor Hattie L. Stanley.
The Lighthouse Church of God continues to grow and develop with the help of the current pastoral team of Rev. Calvin and Evangelist Rachel Abbott, who were appointed in October 1976. They have faithfully served the Church for thirty-three years; and under their leadership, the church building has undergone extensive remodeling. Souls are being saved, people are being delivered, and God is being glorified. The Lighthouse Church of God continues to be a spiritual beacon for the East New Market community!
Bishop Dr. Oliver Subryan serves as Senior Pastor of Ebenezer Church of God in Hyattsville, Maryland for 29 years. He also serves as a District Overseer in the DELMARVA-DC Region (23 churches). He is the Founder and Principal of Ebenezer Bible Institute. He is the President and Founder of HOPE FOR THE HURTING an NGO (specially formed to remove Guyana from the #1 list of countries with the highest suicide rate).
Bishop Subryan has served as a short-term Missionary to Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad, Congo, the Amazon, India and Japan. Also, he served as National Overseer for the US Virgin Islands & St. Martin. He pastored 7 different churches in Guyana, Jamaica and the United States of America. In addition to pastoring, he has served as National Christian Education Director for the Church of God in Guyana, St. Martin & US Virgin Islands, a Professor at Bethel Bible College in Jamaica and National Theological Seminary in Fort Washington, Maryland.
Bishop Subryan earned a Doctor of Divinity from CICA International University He is also a graduate of Cyril Potter College of Education in Guyana. He received an honorary degree in Biblical Theology from Bethel Bible College in Jamaica. He attended the Church of God Theological Seminary.
Bishop Subryan has received several awards and recognition for his faithful services throughout the world. To name a few, in 2021, he received President Joe Biden’s Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2017, he received an International Distinguished Leadership Award presented by the United States Congress for his contribution to suicide prevention in Guyana and International Missionary Outreach. In the 1980’s, he was recognized as Class Valedictorian at Bethel Bible College in Jamaica and CPCE Most Outstanding Student.
Bishop Subryan is married to the lovely, Dr. Rose Subryan, and they are the blessed parents of one child, the beautiful Sherona Subryan.
In 1991, Bishop Jeremias Noguera was called into ministry to preach God’s Word. For 31 years, he has been faithfully devoted to his church and congregants. For three decades, Bishop Jeremias has worked as District Overseer of the East Hispanic District of the Church of God Delmarva-DC region. For the glory of God, he has worked with Hispanic Coordinator Bishop José Torres to plant 10 congregations in the region (6 are ministries and 4 are churches in the East Hispanic District). Even beyond these borders, Bishop Jeremias planted a church in Guatemala with Pastor Guillermo Reyes Juares.
Now at 63, Bishop Jeremias is continuing to serve God as if he was still 20 years old. Bishop Jeremias thanks God for all the opportunities he has given him to work with other godly men and women in the Church of God.
Bishop Jeremias Noguera is pastor at Iglesia de Dios de Todas las Naciones, in Baltimore, MD. He has been married to his God- given wife, Olimpia Araceli Noguera, for 42 years. They have a son named Rudy Alexander Noguera and grandson Sebastian. Born and raised in Guatemala, Bishop Jeremias immigrated to the United States at the age of 25 and by the grace of God is now a U.S. Citizen as well.
Dr. Mariano Gabor has served the Delmarva-DC Region as a credentialed minister for 36 years. Currently, he serves as a District Overseer of the Asian District and Senior Pastor of Blessed Hope Church of God. Dr. Gabor has served on the Multi-Cultural Board and the Calling In Ministries Board.
Dr. Gabor is a church planter and a trainer of leaders both here and abroad. Acts 1:8 tells us to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and in the uttermost parts of the earth. He has planted Filipino congregations in the Delmarva-DC Region: Filipino Ministry – NCOG (Fort Washington, MD); Lifegiving COG – (Laurel, MD); Crownsville COG (Annapolis, MD); Blessed Hope COG (Fort Washington, MD); and Faith for Living COG (Lorton, VA). Dr. Gabor's influence and impact reaches around the world. He has developed leadership training programs for pastors and leaders in the Philippines. He also established an extension campus of the National Bible College in the Philippines. He served as the President of the Makati Chapter Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International; Board Chairman of International Christian Academy in the Philippines, and a board member of the Total Person Care, a non-profit organization that meets the spiritual, medical, and physical needs of people.
Dr. Gabor understands the importance of academia and education. He received a Bachelor of Arts from Xavier University in the Philippines, a Masters in Theological Studies from National Bible College & Seminary, and because of his commitment and work in churches and communities, he received an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from the National Bible College & Seminary. He also attended the Christian Life Center Bible Institute and Haggai Leadership Institute in the Philippines.
Dr. Gabor has been married 56 years to Dr. Lorenzita. Her love and support aided in his accomplishments. From their union, they have three wonderful adult children Gemma, Zinnia, and Mario.
The Seaford Clarence Street Church of God was organized in 1933 under the leadership of Reverend Allan Stanley. Reverend Stanley was pastor of the East New Market Church of God in Maryland, where many of the congregation traveled from Seaford, Delaware to be in service. At that time, East New Market was the only Church of God of color on the Eastern Shore and Peninsula.
The Clarence Street Church of God started with sixty-five charter members and is the oldest continuous black congregation organized in the region. Approximately thirty different churches were started from the Clarence Street COG congregation. More than fifty ministers received their calling at the Clarence Street Church of God and many continue in ministry today. Clarence Street Church of God continues to be a strong tower under the very capable leadership of Bishop Carlton L. Cannon Jr.
The original sanctuary burned down in 1938 and the new sanctuary was rebuilt in 1940 by the men of the church, while the women sold chicken and dumpling dinners to support this effort. Pastor Lawrence O. Wynn (1970-80) led the church in expanding the hall and sanctuary as well as constructing the education annex. Although small, this edifice continues to serve the community today.
The parsonage was built in 1950 under the leadership of Pastor Cartwright. In 2004, under the leadership of Bishop Cannon Sr., a major construction project was initiated. The project consisted of three phases: (1) parsonage and garage construction/renovation, (2) sanctuary construction/renovation, and (3) fellowship hall and kitchen area constructed/renovated.
There are several pastors with significant contributions which have highlighted the many successes of this ministry. Each unique in his own way, their sacrifices will never be forgotten. Former pastors of the Clarence Street Church of God are Pastors Stanley, Patterson, Ambrose, James and Cartwright (exact dates unknown). Other contributing pastors are the following:
Clarence Denson (Jan 1959 - Jun 1959)
Norbert S. Marcelle (Jul 1959 - May 1963)
Horace A. Hawes (Jun 1963 - Jul 1963)
Harcourt G. Poitier (Aug 1963 - May 1967)*
Harcourt G. Poitier was appointed by the Executive Committee as the Representative of Black Affairs Church of God. This historical event emerged from the 1966 General Assembly.
George J. Wilson (Jun 1967 - Aug 1970)
Lawrence O. Wynn (Sep 1970 - Aug 1980)
Isaac Brunson (Sep 1980 - Sep 2004)
Carlton L. Cannon Sr (Oct 2004 - July 2016)
Carlton L. Cannon Sr. accepted his ministerial calling under H G Poitier (1966). He was the first Clarence Street Church of God native son to return and pastor at their home church.
In August of 2016, Carlton L. Cannon Sr. was designated as Administrative Bishop of the state of New Jersey.
Dr. Carlton L. Cannon Jr (Aug 2016 - Present)
Today, the church remains at its current location, 744 Clarence Street, Seaford, Delaware. In this area, it is affectionately called the “Mother Church.” The Clarence Street Church of God, with its humble beginning, has always stood as a lighthouse in the community. It is our passionate desire to win lost souls to Christ, to make disciples and to plant new churches for the glory of God’s Kingdom. We will continue to stand upon the principles of holiness in the spirit of love to promote unity among all ethnicities as we labor together to reach the harvest for the Lord Jesus Christ.