Dear Delmarva-DC Family!
The past several weeks has brought much concern related to the current conditions regarding the Coronavirus or COVID-19. This pandemic has literally captured the attention of our world including us here in Delmarva-DC. Please know we are praying for our church family, local community, and our nation as we all deal with this situation together. God has not called us to be afraid, but instead to respond with love and wisdom. We are a people of faith, not fear. This is not a time for panic and fear, but rather a time to be prayerful and exhibit wisdom in God. My faith in God tells me that this present crisis will make us stronger and we will be the better for it. My daily prayer is that God will make us stronger and wiser as a result of this temporary crisis and that every ministry will see increase in every aspect of ministry. Teresa and I love you and are here to serve you in any way we can.
May God bless you and protect you is our prayer.
Bishop Stan and Teresa Holder
Church of God Resources
Pastoring in a Post-Pandemic Culture
Navigating the many challenges and opportunities of re-opening our churches.
Virtual Church
Exploring ways to connect with your church digitally through various platforms.
Online Giving
Resourcing you with ideas to create opportunities for your congregation to continue to sow into ministry.
Ministry Resources
Offering a variety of resources for you and your ministry leaders to connect with your congregation.
General Information
Informing you with some of the latest updates and information concerning COVID-19.
Recursos para usted y su congregación.