The Purpose of the Adoption Plan
The purpose of the Adoption Plan is to give the local congregation an opportunity to adopt a retired ministerial couple or retired minister’s widow as their own. And, in doing so, it will provide them three very important things:
First, a sense of worth and belonging. They will once again feel a part of a ministry for which they have given their lives.
Second, a source of supplemental income. The local church will agree to remember the retired minister or widow on special occasions, such as birthdays, Christmas and camp meetings, with special recognition and love gifts.
Third, a service opportunity. If logistics allow, the retired minister be given opportunity to serve the local church. This will allow a congregation to continue to avail themselves of at least some of a ministry that through the years has blessed many.
By adopting one or more of the retired ministerial couples or widows you will enjoy the privilege of giving back to those that have given so us to us.
If you would like to adopt, please contact:
Dr. Harold Bowman