We all know what it’s like to suffer and struggle in life. If you are reading this article, you can identify with the struggles that come physically, mentally, financially and emotionally. When we struggle in any of these areas, we want someone to be able to understand our plight and what we are going through. This is what we love about John 14:26, for here we gain tremendous insight concerning the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives; “ But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
We have been blessed beyond measure at the many opportunities ministry and life have provided us. As we embark upon forty years together, we look back and see the Hand of God guiding us each step of the way. Like any couple, life has its joys and its sorrows. But the one constant that we can always depend upon is God.
As we have so often discovered, help is always available to God’s children. When things seemed to us to be at their worst, God was always at His best. John assures us that help is always on the way: “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever” (John 14:16). The Holy Spirit understands our plights in life and comes to abide with us, not just during trying times, but forever!
The Greek word used in John 14:16 for “another” is the word “allos”. This word emphatically means that the Holy Spirit would be like Jesus in every way. This conveys a very strong and important message about the Holy Spirit. Jesus wanted the disciples to know that the Holy Spirit was just like Him. Jesus was saying that He would pray to the Father and He would send us Someone just like Jesus; Someone identical to Him. Therefore, when the Holy Spirit abides with us, it is as if Jesus Himself is with us.
Why is this so important? You and I must stop looking backward. Your scars may be able to tell you where you have been, but they cannot tell you where you are going. We must learn to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us forward throughout life’s journey, regardless of the circumstances. Think about it: Jesus’ physical absence didn’t stop the early believers from seeing the dead raised, the sick healed or the grieving comforted. Why? Because the Holy Spirit was abiding with them. This was the inspiration of this powerful thought from Holocaust survivor Corrie Ten Boom. She observed, “If you look within, you’ll be depressed. If you look at God, you’ll be at rest.”
You and I are not spiritual orphans. If you have ever felt isolated, remember, you are never alone! Jesus said, “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you” (John 14:18). When you feel insecure, uncertain and alone, you feel like an orphan feels in that, they have been abandoned and deserted. But Jesus doesn’t leave us that way. He knows that we can’t make it on our own. That is why He sent the Holy Spirit into the world to be our Counselor, Comforter, Teacher and Friend.
When we get into situations that we don’t know how to get out of or know what to do, the Holy Spirit fills the void as Counselor, Comforter, Guide and Advocate.
Through a miscarriage, our Counselor and Comforter came to our rescue and provided healing and comfort to our aching hearts. It was in that season that the Holy Spirit spoke through a minister and reminded us of His promise and that it would come to pass.
Through ministry setbacks and church conflicts, our Counselor and Comforter showed up and brought healing and understanding to each and every situation.
When our son was sixteen, the doctors told us that they did not know how to treat the infection that he had in his body. He was dying before our very eyes and we were desperate for help. It was then that the Counselor and Comforter walked into that hospital room and took control of the situation. Today, he is healed and pastoring in Oklahoma City.
When Teresa’s doctors found a melanoma on her hand and an orange sized tumor on her kidney, our minds became filled with fear and doubt. But then, our Counselor and Comforter came to the rescue, ministered to her need and calmed our fears.
Presently, we are now making life decisions for a loved one who has dementia and failing health. The medical field is providing the home care, but the Holy Spirit is providing the soul care! Each day, we feel our Counselor and Comforter guiding our family in the decision-making process.
The scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things and reminds us of the many lessons that He has already taught us. It’s that still small voice that we hear so often that brings confidence and assurance that God doesn’t just have the answer, He IS the answer!
This happened so vividly in June of 2018. We were at the Texas Camp Meeting when we received a call that Stan’s mother had suffered a severe stroke. We immediately got in the car and drove to Oklahoma City to get the things we needed for the journey to Cleveland, Tennessee. As we reached the city limits of Oklahoma City, we received the call that she had passed away. It was devastating. Our hearts sank deeply into our chest and the weight of that loss was overwhelming. But yet, even then, our Counselor and Comforter entered our SUV and reminded us of the many times He had spoken to us, provided for us and ministered to us through life’s journey.
It is in these kinds of moments that we are reminded of that great Hymn of the church, The Comforter Has Come. The chorus says:
The Comforter has come, the Comforter has come!
The Holy Ghost from Heav'n, the Father's promise giv'n;
O spread the tidings 'round, wherever man is found,
The Comforter has come!
Honestly, we can’t fathom how people make it without God working daily in their lives. It is our testimony that the Holy Spirit has never failed and He never will. This why we want to encourage you to declare by faith that the Holy Spirit will begin working mightily in your life. If you are His child, you already possess the ability to hear His voice (see John 10:24). Take a moment and sense His nearness, then boldly do whatever He tells you to do. Be obedient and receive His love and tender care. You are not walking in your valley alone. The Comforter and the Counselor is abiding with you right now.